Due to the speciality of the topic, not only the education, but the required textbooks have their differences to the educational norm as well. The material written with encyclopaedic precision, which introduces the topic in relative detail, isn’t negligible here either, but isn’t necessary by all means. It’s much more important to have the notebook naming the steps with huge letters, and detailing them in a sentence or two like notes, offering the rest of the space on the page to the student’s comments. This notebook can usually be extended by more empty pages, if needed, for people who take more detailed notes, or when a task isn’t properly solved, and kept with the fixes for later. As such, students basically write their own textbooks. This semblance of teacher’s notes and students’ comments was developed in some places, to the point that the teacher only projects a short set of notes, and the students will only add what they feel worthy of being added to their own notes. The error in this extremity is that students may skip important details. When looking back, they might not know which tasks are the part of which project phases, and which project step they offered a solution for. We prefer the naming of the task, and the introduction of the to-dos in a short sentence or two by all means.
Whether they take notes on pages completely empty, or ones with a header, students basically write their own “books” to learn from. They immediately illustrate these with examples as well. This actual example may be one description task offered by the teacher, which can be managed by said teacher in front of the blackboard (or presentation) if need be. In this case, each participant of the course will have the same example in their “notes”, and the teacher can conduct a joint overview of the solution, and presenting the correct answer.
A more intensive and efficient method is when all participants create a project idea of their own, which can be used later. This method requires a lot of time, energy and concentration from the teacher, but exactly due to its intensive and personal nature, it offers a deeper memorisation, and makes it possible to learn the material on a competence level.
However, since we do not wish to harm the intimacy of private life, but the example’s personal nature is something to be kept as well, the students have to be consulted on their choice of topic, and they need to be alerted to possible breaches into their private lives. If there’s a possibility of this happening, a different topic needs to be recommended.