We have stressed the fact that it’s not easy to find our place in the world of the XXI. Century while lacking key competences that help our communication, labour market integration and adaptability, creating a balance between work and private life, et cetera. But what are these often mentioned key competences in reality? One of them, and maybe the most notable one, which has an effect on basically every aspect of our lives is the digital competence.
“Digital competence is one of the eight competences indispensible for lifelong learning determined by the European Union. This is a key competence which allows for us to adapt to change, and as such, make us capable of learning other key competences, such as foreign languages, mathematics, efficient learning, and cultural awareness. Nowadays, digital presene is more of a question of knowledge, ability and attitude, and less of an issue of having ICT tools or not. EUROPASS offers the chance to understand your own digital competence. This online tool is freely available on the internet for everyone.”