Innovation can be learned

2020 Blog, Other

Market research conducted to date, and data collection and other analyses support the claim that there’s not only a need, but a demand for the usage of project management tools and methods for family and private life. However, the novelty and fear of usage […]

Workshop at Ökosys Co. Ltd., Komárom

2020 Blog, Other

Komárom served as the host for the July workshop, where the EUROPÉER Foundation’s representative, the Slovakian partner organisation, Selye János University’s representative, and the members of the host organisation, Ökosys Co. Ltd. participated. Ever since its inception, Ökosys Co. Ltd. has been dedicated to […]

Educating for environmental awareness

2020 Blog, Other

The central topic of the July workshop was environmental awareness, and perspective change based on environmental protection. Education for environmental protection should be started as early as possible, as it’s our collective responsibility to create a more liveable and cleaner world for future generations. […]

Relation between social responsibility and education

2020 Blog, Other

The overall goal of the Nagykanizsa fieldwork was to learn about the methods and experiences from the Nagykanizsa Civil Kerekasztal Egyesület (Civilian Round Table Fellowship of Nagykanizsa). The organisation bases a lot of importance on social responsibility, and spreading volunteering among the youth. The […]

World Café, leading us back from virtual to real

2020 Blog, Other

In our previous blog, we introduced the World Café method, which we learned about during our 19. April, 2019. fieldwork, since the ‘host’ partner in Slovakia employs it to a great degree of success. In this blog, we’ll extend on perhaps the most notable […]