Fieldwork in Romania

2018 Blog, Other

As part of a successful project, our first fieldwork was in Romania, where we were invited to the Babeș–Bolyai University of Science. On 14. March, after a rather tiring travel, we arrived in Kolozsvár, where the warm welcome became a wonderful start to the […]

Specifics of private life projects

2018 Blog, Other

Nowadays, everyone needs to know the basics of project management. While the intentional usage of the project perspective became a rightful tool for the operation of enterprises and institutions, this is much less obvious, hence, it hasn’t spread to the lives of families and […]

Private & business life projects

2018 Blog, Other

Private life projects have specific attributes, which make them significantly different from business projects. Business projects are interpreted in a lax manner, and we consider any kind of project, initiated and executed by a professional formal organisation as part of these projects, unrelated to […]

The first workshop successfully conducted

2018 Blog, Other

A projekt kezdőtalálkozóját a megvalósító magyar partner, az Européer Alapítvány szervezte, melyre 2018. január 26.-án került sor. A projekt keretében most találkoztak először személyesen a nemzetközi partnerek. A szakmai prezentációk mellett a találkozó legfontosabb célja a partnerek bemutatkozása, a projektben betöltött szerepüknek megismerése volt. […]

Kick-off meeting, Zalakaros

2018 Blog, Other

The first meeting of the project was organised by the EUROPÉER Foundation, tasked with actualising the project. This was held on 26. January, 2018. This was the first time the international partnership members met each other in the framework of the project. Apart from […]

Another milestone in the life of Project Life Management

2018 Blog, Other

The EUROPÉER Foundation won an international tender for one of the foundation’s most important, and highest priority programme, the actualisation of spreading a project-based life management, which is done in cooperation with the Professional Project Life Non-profit Co. Ltd. The one who came up […]