Challenges of digitalisation

2019 Blog, Other

Digital development exists to aid and support wellbeing of people, among its many other positive effects that ease our everyday lives, however, we should also turn towards the hazards of “online existence” just as much. Dr. Györgyi Lakatosné Szuhai stressed during her presentation in […]

In the shadow of digitalisation

2019 Blog, Other

Though digitalisation has many positive effects on our lives – we can handle many a thing in but a moment, meaning we gain usable free time – it also has a dark side, which we may want to consider, or it may “absorb” us, […]

Digital competence

2019 Blog, Other

We have stressed the fact that it’s not easy to find our place in the world of the XXI. Century while lacking key competences that help our communication, labour market integration and adaptability, creating a balance between work and private life, et cetera. But […]

Personality SWOT

2019 Blog, Other

In our self-exploration and during realising our private life projects, doing a personality SWOT may have very beneficial results for us, as the planning and realisation of all our life tasks rides on being clear about our own personalities. In order to experience success […]

The role of families in developing financial awareness

2019 Blog, Other

For Hungarians, teaching their children how to responsibly handle money is very important, and most believe that schools have a notable role in teaching financial know-how to children. However, parents need to understand that developing financial awareness is also a task for familial socialisation, […]

Let’s find order within the chaos!

2019 Blog, Other

Using the project perspective in our private lives helps us to take charge of our fates in this perpetually swirling, changing world, instead of being at the whims of said world. Nowadays, there’s only one thing assured – the general lack of assurance in […]

Project management and PLM in education

2019 Blog, Other

Project management in today’s education is a special knowledge, skill and competence group made to prepare one for a profession. The profession in question counts certified experts that consider the realisation of others’ business projects efficiently as their tasks. However, according to their beliefs, […]

The PLM concept

2019 Blog, Other

Success requires the person’s active perseverance and intentional incentive, but these efforts can also be implemented in a planned form, structured, arranged time-wise; in simpler terms, dreaming can be converted into action plans. Project Life Management employs its life management advice to efficiently help […]

Project management elements in lifestyle counsel

2019 Blog, Other

Nowadays, enterprises dealing with various kinds of lifestyle counsel are on the rise. They aim to offer help to private individuals and families, mostly those that have some sort of crisis at hand. The many upon many of life management advisory books, awareness-raising publishing […]