The life situation of the late awakened and the wise

2020 Blog, Other

In our previous blog posts, we were talking about a few important decisions for young career starters, and mothers returning from maternity leave, which will have an impact on their future lives. Both target groups have a high level of importance in aware decision-making, […]

State of life of mothers returning from maternity leave

2020 Blog, Other

During our previous blog, we introduced some of the important decision situations for youths, which will result in impacts to their future lives, making it necessary for them to be aware decision-makers. Another important target group is that of mothers returning from maternity leave. […]

International Project Life Management Conference

2020 Blog, Other

15. 10. 2019., Hunguest Hotel Palace, Lillafüred We are happy to announce that for the third time since its conception, the PLM Programme holds a conference to prove that it’s growing wider in acclaim, and the number of supporters and followers of the programme […]

Panel discussion on the International PLM Conference

2020 Blog, Other

The goal of the panel discussion is to strengthen project perspective and usage of awareness today using interactive communication for the relevant topics. Reason being, in order to rule chaos, and keep order and balance around ourselves, we need to consistently adapt to the […]

Closing research report

2020 Blog, Other

In our previous blog, we’ve talked about the goals, realisation of the project and the closing report of the EFOP-5.2.2-17 international tender. This blog post offers insight into the details of the research report. Our research aims to map the usage of project management […]

The main mission and goal of the PLM programme

2020 Blog, Other

Though it is an “old boot”, we must state it again and again: the earlier the individual realises the positive effects of awareness on all areas of life, the more balanced the individual’s everyday life will be. By teaching our children to live with […]

Effects of the conference

2020 Blog, Other

The closing conference held on 15. October obtained a wide professional acclaim, as neither in Hungary, nor on the international scene can we find an initiative or programme which offers guidance into using project perspective and management tools in everyday life, motivating employees, gaining […]

Programme and guests of the PLM International Conference

2020 Blog, Other

The Project Life Management International Conference’s host was Petra Gál, RTL Klub’s reporter and programme host of Story Extra. She opened the conference as the closing event for the EFOP-5.2.2-17 international tender. The first presenter was Tamás Bihall, president and educational affairs vice-president of […]

Usage of well-tested methods

2020 Blog, Other

In our previous blog, we mentioned that the novelty and fear of usage associated with the PLM methodology seems to currently hamper people in using this well-structured and beneficial tool. We also said that Hungarian people aren’t sufficiently open for innovation, they’re afraid of […]

Lacking knowledge of project management

2020 Blog, Other

There was an input about the October professional event, stating that several instances of research supported how there’s not only a need, but a demand for the usage of project management tools and methods for family and private life. However, the novelty and fear […]